3 styczeń

 0    10 schede    KamilKucz
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Domanda Risposta
All taxes will be abolished in the Western world
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Wszystkie podatki zostaną zniesione w zachodnim świecie
a sunken block
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zatopiony blok
recently pledged
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Niedawno zobowiązali
I visit my grandparents once in a while.
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Odwiedzam moich dziadków od czasu do czasu
these days
These days some countries face the problem of pollution.
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w dzisiejszych czasach, obecnie
for the time being
You can leave your car here for the time being.
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for the time being in inglese
póki co, na razie
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w dzisiejszych czasach, obecnie
This product is currently out of stock.
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at present
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to this day
To this day, she doesn’t know why her application was rejected.
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do chwili obecnej

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