2nd July 2014

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czas leci
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time flies; How time flies!
time flies (when you're having fun)
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to thunder
Kiedy byłam w trzeciej klasie...
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When I was in the third grade...
Nic nie pamiętam.
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I remember nothing. I don't remember anything
wystawić coś na przetarg
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to put something out to tender
udanej nauki
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happy studies
zbliżamy się do końca
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we're getting close to the end
posiadać umiejętność
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to possess a quality
wiązać sznurowadła
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to tie laces
poświęcić czemuś czas
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to take the time to do sth
Thank you for taking the time to read my essay
to say what you think about something very directly
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to speak your mind with sb
He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.
przejdźmy do punktu trzeciego
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let's jump to three
w jakim wieku
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at what age
a sign of approval or support
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nie przejmuj się spóźnieniem
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no worries about being late
to do or say something sooner than it ought to be done so that the proper explanation or preparations have not been made
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get ahead of oneself
pół godziny
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a half hour
Było ... ludzi przede mną u lekarza.
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There were four people ahead of me at the doctor's.
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She bleached her hair blond. The wood had been bleached by the sun.
zakończyć się rozwodem
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to end in divorce
leniuch, nierób; someone who is lazy and untidy
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a lazy slob, you're an ignorant slob
ośmiornica, ośmiornice
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octopus/ plural: octopuses / octopi -i: proper classical plural ending
czekać na dalsze informacje, nie zmieniać stacji
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stay tuned for...
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bojkotować, usunąć poza nawias
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to ostracise
traktować z góry (kogoś), lekceważyć (kogoś)
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to look down on sb / to snob
to treat someone rudely, especially by ignoring them when you meet
the boys who had snubbed her in high school
zebrać, zgromadzić (np. wiedzę, informacje, fakty)
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zebrać, zgromadzić
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rozważać in inglese
to consider, to contemplate doing sth
contemplate doing something
Did you ever contemplate resigning?
mieć problemy z
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to have a difficult time doing sth
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to deffeRENtiate
It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion. to differentiate sth FROM sth
wahać się, często się zmieniać (o cenie, ilości)
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to fluctuate
if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and lower [= vary]
Prices were volatile, fluctuating between $20 and $40.
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unpredictable, volatile
a volatile situation is likely to change suddenly and without warning
someone who is volatile can suddenly become angry or violent
zmienna pogoda
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the weather has been fluctuating a lot lot this week.
włączyć coś do czegoś
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to incorporate into/in your everyday vocabulary
przejdźmy do
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let's move on to...
Muszę iść wcześniej spać (jestem zmęczony)
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I need an early night
I’m quite tired- I’m going to have an early night tonight.
not one or the other of two people or things
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'Would you like tea or coffee?' 'Neither, thanks.'
dobrze wypaść na egzaminie
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to do well in an exam
podobnie, w ten sam sposób; nawzajem
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Nanny put on a shawl and told the girls to do likewise. You're always welcome at our house.' 'Likewise.' "Nice to meet you." "Likewise."

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