2a part1

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Domanda Risposta
wpływać, dotykać
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affect- to have an impact on
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appreciated- recognised as valuable or important
chwalić się
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boast- to feature a desirable characteristic
podmuch wiatru
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breeze- a gentle wind
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cave- a natural hole in the side of a cliff or mountain
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challenge- a difficult situation that demands effort
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chant- to sing religious hymns or songs
wojna cywilna
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Civil War- the occasion when a country splits into two opposing sides that fight against each other
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colonise- to claim authority over an area and send citizens to live there
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commercial- related to buying and selling things
zwierzać się
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confide- to tell sb sth secret
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dotted with- having things scattered in random positions in an area
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downside- a disadvantage
bogato zdobione posągi
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elaboretly decorated statues- stone figures with lots of decoration
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emergency- a serious or dangerous situation that needs immediate action
fascynujące malowidła ścienne
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fascinating wall paintings- very interesting pictures painted on the walls
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first-rate- excellent, extremely good
uzyskać niezależność
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gain independence- to break free from another country's rule
dostać się
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get by- to deal with things well despite difficulties
poddać się
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give in- to stop opposing a desire, a temptation, a wish, etc
sławny, wspaniały
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glorious- magnificent
złote piaski
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golden sands- yellow sandy beaches
przepiękny, wspaniały, świetny
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gorgeous- very beautiful
rozwijająca się gospodarka
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growing economy- the fact that a country becomes richer
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guidebook- a book that gives tourists information about a town, an area or a country
dziedzictwa unesco
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heritage site- an area/place protected by UNESCO becouse it's historically or culturally important
bardzo polecany
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highly recommend-to believe strongly that other people should see or experience sth
we wnątrz kraju
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inland- in a direction away from the sea and towards the centre of an area of land
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instalment- an episode; a part of series
jet lag
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jet lag- a feeling of tiredness and confusion after a long journey between places that have a time difference

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