24th July 2014

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mieć ochotę na
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She had a craving FOR some chocolate.
masz zachchianki
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Do you have cravings?
bardzo czegoś pragnąć
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a crave FOR sth
utrzymać coś w sekrecie
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to keep sth private
spać nago
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to sleep in the nude
entomologia, owadoznawstwo
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dzielenie włosa na czworo
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an awful lot of hairsplitting
z kolei
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by contrast
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Attractive woman, 27, seeks male, 25-35, for fun and friendship.
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to search for sth far and wide
na lewo od słońca
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to the left from the sun
dokładnie się do czegoś stosować
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accurately applied to something
słońce przemieszcza się o jeden stopień co cztery minuty w kierunku zachodnim
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the sun mover one degree to the west
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bees has lots of hexagonal lenses
the edges of a roof that stick out beyond the walls
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eaves (plural)
intruz, natręt
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Pheromones; body chemicals which allow animals to talk to each other by smell
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hexagonal, six-sided
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a long raincoat with a belt
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trench coat
a small piece of cloth attached to the shoulder of a coat or shirt, especially on a military uniform
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pagon, epolet, naramiennik, szlifa
koszula z epoletami
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Epaulette Shirts
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is the process of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community, rather than from traditional employees or suppliers
to sell
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to solicit AmE
Door-to-door soliciting is prohibited here
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the practice of raising funds from two or more people over the internet towards a common Service, Project, Product, Investment, Cause, and Experience
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when a company uses workers from outside the company to do a job
the outsourcing of the marketing to a specialist firm
if something ... you, you cannot understand or explain it at all
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Bułat Szałwowicz Okudżawa
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Bułat Szałwowicz Okudżawa
z twojego cennego czasu
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out of your precious time
used to say that time seems to pass very quickly:
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time will fly BY
time flies (when you're having fun)
wole u ptaków
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to flap
if a bird flaps its wings, it moves them up and down in order to fly.
strumień powietrza
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air flow / airstream
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to cap
hermatyczny, szczelny
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chronić przed rdzą
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to protect against rust
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to scrape off
produkować czegoś bardzo dużo
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produce such an abundance of honey
z tego powodu
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for this reason,...
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accidentally; unintentionally
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jak to możliwe, że ...?
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How on earth are there two stomachs in that tiny thing

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