23.11.2017 - Metaphors

 0    18 schede    anna.skulimowska
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Domanda English Risposta English
difficult to believe/accept
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hard to swallow
badly thought-out idea
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half-baked idea
something to think about
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food for thought
just repeat sth that you have heard without thinking about it
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regurgitate sth
become number one
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reach the peak
to be at a stage in your life when you have to make a very important decision
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be at a crossroads
to remove fears, doubts, and false ideas, usually by proving them wrong
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be especially good at something
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shine at sth
a clever idea that comes suddenly
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flash of inspiration
not very intelligent
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low light
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dim ligth
developed a theory
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constructed a theory
help prove a theory
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support a theory
sth fail because of a particular reason
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sth falls down
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to earn a lot of money in a short time and with little effort
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make a killing
merge together (for example two companies)
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join forces

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