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under no circumstances
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pod żadnym warunkiem, pod zadnym pozorem
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zadowolony. treść. I'm quite content with my life, The content of this website is inappropriate for children
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ciasto jako masa, ciastko
dice the carrot
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kroic w kostke. Dice the carrot and put it into the stew
careless students
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nieostrożny, nieuważny. The boy was careless and crossed the street on a red light.
pour water
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wlać wodę. Would you pour me some juice?
tip some juice
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nalewać, wylewać, przesypywać. Would you tip some cornflakes into the bowl?
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potajemnie, w tajemnicy w sekrecie
hook up with someone
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zahaczyć z kimś
hook up the phone with charger
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polaczyc ze soba urzadzenie elektryczne. I hooked the phone to the charger
flavour of the fish
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smak (potrawy, napoju) Enjoy the flavour of our vegetables
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krata (np. metalowa) kratka (wzór np. na tkaninie)
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pieczec, uszczelka, plombazamknąć, uszczelnić (np. granice kraju) zakleić, zapieczętować (np. kopertę)
strenght of character
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sila fizyczna, determinacja, wytrzymałość, mocna strona, I've always been impressed of Mary's strength to achieve her goals, Mathematics is not my strength.
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wada, niedociągnięcie (o cechach charakteru) Can you name my faults?
faulty product
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wadliwy produkt. wada usterka-fault
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fugitive from prison or jail
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uciekinier z więzienia
real estate agent
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agent nieruchomości
in person, personally
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osobiście. Personally, I think that you are making a mistake.
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program system. Which program of studies did you choose?
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rozpoczynać się, rozpocząć się
beloved wife
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ukochany drogi. Their beloved country is threatened
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przedsiebiorca, wykonawca
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poprawiac, korygowac. If there are any mistakes, please correct them.
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kolejny (z rzędu), następujący (jeden po drugim) She's worked for consecutive owners of the house
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dostarczać, doręczać, dowozić (np. towar do sklepu)
out of shape
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bez ksztaltu bez formy. I am out of shape

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