21st July 2014 B

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w mowie
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in speech
relaksować się (najczęściej z nogami w górze)
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put my feet up
chcesz się założyć?
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do you want to place a bet on it?
często używane
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used extensively
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dziesiątki czegoś
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scores of sth
said to mean that you will do whatever you have to do, even if it is difficult or dangerous
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A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do
forma pytająca
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a way of saying 'I don't know'. Some people think that this use is not correct English:
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a way of saying 'I do not know'. Some people think that this use is not correct Angielski:
stłumić, powstrzymać
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to clamp down
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zatrzymać in inglese
She was detained in hospital with a suspected broken leg.
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quell the violence/disturbance/riot = to put down
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ethnic/religious/civil etc strife = conflict
iść spokojnym krokiem
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amble = saunter
to look very carefully at something, especially because you are having difficulty seeing it
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to look very carefully at something, especially because you are having difficulty seeing it
operacja w trybie nagłym
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emergency operation
operacja w trybie planowym
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elective surgery
is surgery that is scheduled in advance because it does not involve a medical emergency.
biegi przełajowe
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cross-country running
poszukiwanie kwiatów, z których nie zebrano jeszcze pyłku
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searching untapped fields
szerzyć wieści
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to spread the news by dancing
półksiężyc; symbol Islamu
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etologia (dziedzina zoologii, zajmująca się badaniami zachowań zwierząt)
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kiwać się, machać, potrząsać, poruszać w górę i w dół
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to wiggle / to waggle
Can you waggle your ears?
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to relay / to pass on
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ignorance is bliss
bez granic
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