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jest młodsza niż w rzeczywistości
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young at heart
guz (nie złośliwy)
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a tumour (non-cancerous)
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a jetty
a wall or platform built out into the sea, a river, etc, where boats can be tied and where people can get on and off boats
zdecydować się zrobić coś ważnego lub trudnego
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take the plunge
to decide to do something important or difficult, especially after thinking about it for a long time
okazać się
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turn out that
It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.
palić mosty
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burn your own bridges
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Presumably this is where the accident happened.
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a welder
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automation specialist
trzymać kciuki
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I'll keep my fingers crossed
"first minute"
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early bird (catches the worm)
bezpośredni lot
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direct flight
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to howl
molo (też filar)
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a pier
a long structure built in the sea and joined to the land at one end, often with places of entertainment on it

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