2. zwroty........

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Domanda Risposta
moglo byc gorzej
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it could be worse
moglbys mi to podac
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could you PASS it to me
moge prosic o przysluge
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could I ask you a favour
wolalabym nie
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I would rather not
jak chcesz
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as You wish
wszystko mi jedno
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Its all the same to me
Nie mam nic przeciwko temu
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I've nothing against it
gdzie sie zatrzymales w pl
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Where are you staying in pl?
Od jak dawna jestes w nl? - od dwoch tygodni.
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How long have you been here/ in nl? - for two weeks/ a few days
jak długo zamierzasz zostać?
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HOw long are you staying for?
POdróżuję sam.
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Im travelling on my own.
Jaka ma byc jutro pogoda?
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Do you know what the weather is going to be like tomorrow?

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