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get well soon!
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Wracaj szybko do zdrowia!, Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia!
pile work to do
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stos, sterta. That's quite a pile on your desk
get out of a punishment
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uniknąć czegoś, wymigać się od czegoś. How can I get out of this work? My roommate always manages to get out of the washing-up.
apart from the price
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poza czymś, pomijając coś. Apart from the price, this trip was awesome!
Let's stick to the schedule
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trzymać się harmonogramu. to keep on performing the task according to a plan. trzymać się czegoś (np. planu). Let's stick to the plan.
keep up
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trwać (np. o sytuacji). If this situation keeps up, we will go bankrupt.2. nadążać (np. za kimś). I can't keep up with what she's saying.
keep your work up
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dalej coś robić, kontynuować coś. He said he will keep up exercising. Keep up your work, I won't disturb you.
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postanowienie. What are your New Year's resolutions?2. uchwała, rezolucja. UN resolution has been accepted by the majority of leaders.3. decyzja, postanowienie, rozwiązanie. We were waiting for the resolution of the government
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różnić się (od czegoś innego) Children differ in temperament. We have different beliefs.
Can we move on to the next issue?
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zmieniać temat. Let's move on and talk about you.2. jechać dalej. Move on, I'm not getting out here3. mijac <czas>Time moves on quickly.
human being
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istota ludzka. I wouldn't treat another human being that way. After all, I'm a human being.
itchy spot
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swędząca miejsce
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niesiony, przenoszony

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