15.11.16 Unit 4: have got

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Domanda Risposta
Ja mam białą koszulkę
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I have got a white T-shirt
Ty masz brązowe buty
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You have got brown shoes
Ona ma niebieską spódnicę
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She has got a blue skirt
On ma krótkie włosy
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He has got short hair
My mamy duży dom
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We have got a big house
Wy macie długie nogi
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You have got long legs
Oni mają duże uszy
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They have got large ears
Ja nie mam...
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I have not got / I haven't got...
Ona nie ma...
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She has not got / She hasn't got...
Czy ty masz samochód?
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Have you got a car?
Czy ona ma czerwoną spódnicę
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Has she got a red skirt?
Czy ona nie ma psa?
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Hasn't she got a dog?
Jaki kolor samochodu masz? (jaki masz kolor samochodu?)
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What color car have you got?
Gdzie jest Marek?
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Where is Mark?

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