15 stycznia 2015

 0    15 schede    musial63
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Jaki on jest?
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What is he like?
On jest bardzo mądry i przyjazny
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He's very clever and friendly
mądry, sprytny
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Jak on wygląda?
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How does he look like?
Jest wysoki z krótkimi czarnymi włosami.
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He is tall with short black hair.
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tall, high
Co znaczy to słowo?
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What does this word mean?
Jaki ten świat jest mały.
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Small word
Pójdziemy do szkoły/do pracy/na kawę?
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Shall we go to school/to work/for a coffee?
Wezmę ten jeden, tamten, te, tamte
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I'll take this one/that one/these/those
Zanim zdejmę ubranie
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Before I take off my clothes
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Clothes, outfit
Ubrać, założyć
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Dress up=put on
Przepraszam, co masz na myśli?
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Excuse me, what do you mean?
Co masz na myśli mówiąc że jestem leniwy?
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What do you mean by saying I'm lazy?

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