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przestan (stop it)
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knock it off!
osprowadze cie na zewnatrz
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I'll walk you out
Mimo czytania wielu ksiazek, jest glupia.
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Despite her reading many books, she's stupid.
prosze poczekac (please hold)
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bear with me please
polacze cie z
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I'll put you through to
dzwonie w sprawie produktu, ktory kupilem od panstwa
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I'm calling regarding the product I bought from you
on duzo pali
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he's a heavy smoker
odpalic samochod
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start the car
wsiasc do auta
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get in (to) a car
wysiasc z auta
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get out (of) a car
duzy ruch
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heavy traffic
pelni swiadomy
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fully aware
moze pojde na mecz
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I may go to the match
jest podobny do brata
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he's similar to his brother
bylam zaskoczona pogoda
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I was surprised at/by the weather

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