14th Sept 2016

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pierwsza litera
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initial letter
People sometimes write email addresses with capital initial letters.
zapisa co wielkimi literami
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to write sth IN capitalS
to send somebody a copy of a letter, an email message, etc. that you are sending to somebody else
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to copy sb IN (on sth)
to cc sb on sth (emails): I hate it when people cc me on emails that have nothing to do with me.
sprawdź załączony dokument
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see the attached file
Dziękuję (na końcu maila)
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With thanks, / With best wishes,
With many thanks and best wishes,
zachowaj to w szkicach
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save it under drafts
zacznij od nowej linijki
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start a new line (after the name of the person you're writing to)
Regards / Best / Warm wishes
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a closing phrase
I am writing to thank you for all your help.
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Many thanks for your help.
starting phrases
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Hello again Tim, / Hi there Tim, Morning/Afternoon/Evening Tim,
closing phrases
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Rgds, Cheers, Bye for now,
formal: Yours truly,
present simple
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when / if/ NEXT TIME
Use the present simple after when, if and next time in future time clauses:
Czy możesz napisać kiedy się zaczyna.
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Can you let me know the START TIME?
liczby dziesiętne
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DEcimal numbers
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napisany u góry
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(of letters, numbers or symbols) written or printed above the normal line of writing or printing
powiedzieć na głos
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say aloud / out loud
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okrągła liczba
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round number
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when / after, until
The time clauses in the English language are introduced by conjunctions such as after, as soon as, before, till, until, when, whenever, while or time expressions such as the minute, the moment etc.
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but we can use will if it means a promise or offer
I did not get the job so we are not living in Paris now.
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If I had got the job we would be living in Paris now.
metoda indukcyjna
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inductive method / inductive teaching
Uczenie się indukcyjne polega naodkrywaniu zasad i założeń poprzezrozważanie konkretnych przykładów iprzypadków
pod tym względem
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in this respect
You will have finished your report by this time next week.
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You will have finished your report by this time next week.

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