13.02.2017r. - Cold comfort

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Domanda Risposta
rozstrój żołądka
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upset stomach
I've had an upset stomach and a strange rash on my face since we went to that restaurant.
czuć się wyczerpanym
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feel rundown (exhausted)
I've had a really runny nose for the last few days and I feel generally run-down.
pulsujący ból głowy
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throbbing headache
I woke up with a high temperature and throbbing headache and it won't go away.
zdrętwiałe mięśnie
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stiff muscles
All my muscles feell really stiff and my back aches.
suchy/mokry kaszel
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hacking/wet cough
I've got a hacking cough and a very sore throat that hurts when I speak.
skurcze nóg
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leg cramps
rozpieszczać kogoś, kto jest chory
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pamper someone who is ill
współczujący wobec osób chorych
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sympathetic towards sick people
migać się od pracy
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skip work
zadzwonić, że jest się chorym
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call in sick
przybyć do pracy
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make it in today (arrive to work)
Hello, boss? It's Mike. I won't be able to make it in today. I'm feeling sick.
bardzo przeziębiony
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heavy cold
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mieć wysoką gorączkę
Kiedy mam wysoką gorączkę, pocę się.
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have raging fever
When I have raging fever I sweat.
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swelling on my ankle
istotny, zasadniczy
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vital (essential)
wyolbrzymiać (swoje objawy)
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exaggerate (your symptomps)
non stop
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at lenght
talk at lenght about your symptoms
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to describe your suffering in great detail
dodatkowe objawy
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supplementary symptoms
The standard supplementary symptoms are a headache, sore throat, temperature, sickness, achiness and a cough.
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coś w zanadrzu
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stuff up your sleeve
have sth stuff up your sleeve
domowe lekarstwa
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home remedies
przepisać leki
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prescribe medicines
zapobiegać chorobom (unikać)
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prevent illnesses (avoid)

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