12th August 2014

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Cieknie mi z nosa
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I have a runny nose
mam wysoką temperaturę
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my temperature is high
tabletki do ssania
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zastrzyk przeci grypie
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flu shot
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strzykawka in inglese
pleonazm, tautologia
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masło maślane” oznacza pleonazm, ale samo też jest pleonazmem; w wymowny i zrozumiały dla wszystkich sposób obrazuje, na czym polega ten błąd logiczno-językowy
wyzwolić, wyzwalać, uwolnić, uwalniać
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to emancipate
Slaves were emancipated in 1834.
to give someone the political or legal rights that they did not have before:
iść na dwójeczkę
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Are you going to the toilet to do (a) number two?
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to annex
The Baltic republics were annexed by the Soviet Union in 1940.
to take control of a country or area next to your own, especially by using force
świetlik, okno w dachu
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świetlik; ziele świetlika
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The common name refers to the plant's use in treating eye infections.
gatunek pszczół
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a strain of bees
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krzyżówka czeogś i czegoś
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a hybrid of sth and sth
odporność na choroby
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disease resistance; resistance to disease
lukier, pomada
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a soft mixture made from sugar and water, used for covering cakes:
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przyrząd do robienia kropek
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dotting tool
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bobby pin

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