11B, 11C, 11D Vocabulary (work, buisness, advertising)

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a branch
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a shop, office, etc. that is part of a larger company
take sth over / take over sth
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to get control of a company, buisness
go out of buisness
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stop doing buisness because your company has been unsuccessful
a profit
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money that you make when doing buisness (opposite: a loss)
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become larger in size, number or amount
go into buisness with sb
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start a buisness with somebody
set sth up / set up sth
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formally start a new buisness, company, system, etc.
go bankrupt
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become unable to pay your debts
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buy or bring in products from another counter (opposite: export)
a chain
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a number of shops, hotels, restaurants, etc. owned or managed by the same person or company
point out
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tell somebody some information, often because you think they hae forgotten it or don't know it
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say something is true, even though you can't prove it and othr people might not beliee it
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say that something is not true, usually because somebody has said that you've done something wrong
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say repeatedly that something is not true or that you want something to happen, often when other people disagree with you
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say that somebody is responsible for something bad that has happened
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say that somebody has done something wrong
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the buisness of trying to persuade people to buy poducts or services
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the attention of somebody or something gets from appearing in newspapers, on T, etc
a slogan
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a short, memorable phrase used in advertising
a logo
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a design or symbol used to advertise something
an advertising campaign
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a series of adertisements for a particular product or service
an adertising budget
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the amount of money aailable to spend on an advertising campaign
the press
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all the newspapers ang magazines in a particular country
the media
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all the organisations that provide information to the public
a leaflet
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a piece of paper that advertises something or gives you information
a free sample
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a small amount of a product that is given away free
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make or draw plans for a new product, building, etc.
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make a new product, book, etc. available for the first time
viral marketing
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product promotion tha relies on customers telling other people about the product through their social networks
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a large sign in a public place used for advertising something

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