(11) Human Resources (AA)

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Amongst the flexible staffing options are:
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Part-time staff on permanent contracts; staff on temporary contracts; professional freelancers
Financial incentives includes:
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performance-related bonuses; commission; profit sharing; stock options; pay rises for additional skills and qualifications
the chance to buy company shares in the future at a fixed price
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stock options
A list of all employees and how much each one earns is called the...
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A list of all employees and how much each one earns is called the 'payroll'
Freelancers are often brought in to do jobs that were previously done ... (by employees of the company)
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Freelancers are often brought in to do jobs that were previously done 'in-house'
A small group of job candidates who have gone through to the final interview stage is called the...
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A small group of job candidates who have gone through to the final interview stage is called the 'shortlist'
The formal process by which an employee's performance is measured and discussed by a supervisor is called the...
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The formal process by which an employee's performance is measured and discussed by a supervisor is called the 'appraisal process'
something you are capable of doing; also the quality of doing sth well
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(formal) the ability to do sth well; also (formal) the legal power that a body has to deal with sth
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These matters fall outside (or come within) the competence of this committee.
an ability to do sth well, especially because you practiced it
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knowledge and skill you get from being in different situations; also sth that happens to you
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an exam you have passed, especially at school or university; often appears in the plural as a heading on a CV
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the type of education, experience and family that you have; also information about the past that helps you understand the present
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the facts, skills and understanding you have gained through learning or experience
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a natural ability to do sth well or to learn it quickly
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He's got a real aptitude for maths and accounting. It's in his genes!
to lose a job (because you do sth wrong)
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be dismissed / be fired / be sacked
to lose a job (for economic reasons)
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be laid off / be made redundant / be let go

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