0    17 schede    bigheart1963
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Domanda Risposta
Does he read?
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Czy czytał?
does she read?
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nie czytała?
is the bed long?
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jest łóżko długo?
Has he a book?
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Czy on to książka?
do You sleep well?
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nie dobrze spać?
Do i read in bed?
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Nie czytam w łóżku?
Do you like apples?
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Czy lubisz jabłka?
Do we wash the car?
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Czy możemy umyć samochód?
Do they sleep well?
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Czy oni dobrze spać?
He reads books
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Czyta książki
does he read books?
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nie czytał książki?
The table stands near the window
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Stół stoi w pobliżu okna
Does the table stands near the window?
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Czy stół stoi przy oknie?
Does Andy often come late?
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Czy Andy często przychodzą późno?
Does Binkie sleep in the armchair?
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Czy Binkie spać w fotelu?
Does Sue often make cake?
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Czy Sue często ciasto?
Does he like bread and butter?
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Czy on jak chleb i masło?

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