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Knowledge of rational nutrition has good effect on our health but also on our beauty. inizia ad imparare
Racjonalny, rozumny, rozsądny, sensowny
knowledge of rational nutrition has good effect on our health but also on our beauty. inizia ad imparare
knowledge of rational nutrition has good effect on our health but also on our beauty. inizia ad imparare
Piękno, uroda, piękność, urok
We should eat often, little and regularly. inizia ad imparare
In this way should eat absolutely everyone, even those who are on a diet. inizia ad imparare
absolutnie, całkowicie, bezwarunkowo, bezwzględnie
Especially because our organism is not to able to consume too much food and excess calories will accumulate as body fat. inizia ad imparare
konsumować, zużyć, spożyć, strawić, trawić, spalić paliwo, zmarnować pieniądze
Especially because our organism is not to able to consume too much food and excess calories will accumulate as body fat. inizia ad imparare
Nadmiar, nadwyżka, przerost, zbytek
Especially because our organism is not to able to consume too much food and excess calories will accumulate as body fat. inizia ad imparare
Especially because our organism is not to able to consume too much food and excess calories will accumulate as body fat. inizia ad imparare
akumulować, zgrodzamić, uzbierać, nagromadzić
Beside this, eating big meal twice a day, leads to increase stomach, and the greater stomach, the large portion need to be fill. inizia ad imparare
Prowadzić, przewodzić, kierować, dowodzić, doprowadzić
Beside this, eating big meal twice a day, leads to increase stomach, and the greater stomach, the large portion need to be fill. inizia ad imparare
Beside this, eating big meal twice a day, leads to increase stomach, and the greater stomach, the large portion need to be fill. inizia ad imparare
część, porcja, odcinek, partia, podzielić, wydzielić
Beside this, eating big meal twice a day, leads to increase stomach, and the greater stomach, the large portion need to be fill. inizia ad imparare
napełniać, wypełniać, zapchać, napchać
If we eat rarely, the organism will remembers this and treat some portion of food as reserve for later. inizia ad imparare
rzadko, niepowszednio, niespotykanie
If we eat rarely, the organism will remembers this and treat some portion of food as reserve for later. inizia ad imparare
rezerwat, rezerwa, zapas, rezerwowy, zapasowy, zasobowy, zarezerwować
If we eat on constant time, our organism will know, that it can use in total energy from food, because in nearly time it gets new portion ‘energy fuel’. inizia ad imparare
stały, ciągły, niezmienny, trwały, nieprzerwany, wierny, konsekwentny
If we eat on constant time, our organism will know, that it can use in total energy from food, because in nearly time it gets new portion ‘energy fuel’. inizia ad imparare
During a day, we should eat five meals, first meal at the latest two hours after waking up and the last meal three hours before we go to bed. inizia ad imparare
Slowly eating and right chewing are very important. inizia ad imparare
To eat properly, nutritionists recommend eating with chopsticks. inizia ad imparare
prawidłowo, poprawnie, właściwie, opdowiednio, dobrze, należycie
To eat properly, nutritionists recommend eating with chopsticks. inizia ad imparare
specjalista od żywienia, dietetyk
To eat properly, nutritionists recommend eating with chopsticks. inizia ad imparare
Besides fast eating disturbs process of digestion. inizia ad imparare
przeszkadzać, zakłócać niepokoić, naruszać
Besides fast eating disturbs process of digestion. inizia ad imparare
Breakfast is the basis of a healthy diet. inizia ad imparare
Will protect us from the attacks of hunger during the day and provide the energy we need. inizia ad imparare
However, skip this meal leads to deregulations of metabolism. inizia ad imparare
przeskok, przeskoczyć, pomijać
However, skip this meal leads to deregulations of metabolism. inizia ad imparare
However, skip this meal leads to deregulations of metabolism. inizia ad imparare
None of food product is able to satisfy all of our needed and provide essential nutrients to our body – so food should be as much as possible variety. inizia ad imparare
None of food product is able to satisfy all of our needed and provide essential nutrients to our body – so food should be as much as possible variety. inizia ad imparare
zaspokoić, odpowiadać, usatysfakcjonować
None of food product is able to satisfy all of our needed and provide essential nutrients to our body – so food should be as much as possible variety. inizia ad imparare
None of food product is able to satisfy all of our needed and provide essential nutrients to our body – so food should be as much as possible variety. inizia ad imparare
odmiana, różnorość, bogactwo
Every day in diet should appear cereal products, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and also protein from lean meat and fish. inizia ad imparare
Every day in diet should appear cereal products, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and also protein from lean meat and fish. inizia ad imparare
Every day in diet should appear cereal products, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, and also protein from lean meat and fish. inizia ad imparare
We should avoid frying foods. inizia ad imparare
Primarily because frying causes that meal is more caloric, but also frying is not quite healthy. inizia ad imparare
Primarily because frying causes that meal is more caloric, but also frying is not quite healthy. inizia ad imparare
Healthier is when meat and fish we simmer, bake or steam. inizia ad imparare
Healthier is when meat and fish we simmer, bake or steam. inizia ad imparare
dusić, gotować na wolnym ogniu
Healthier is when meat and fish we simmer, bake or steam. inizia ad imparare
Healthier is when meat and fish we simmer, bake or steam. inizia ad imparare
parowy, para, gotować na parze, parować
Vegetables retain most of their properties when they are eaten raw. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables retain most of their properties when they are eaten raw. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables retain most of their properties when they are eaten raw. inizia ad imparare
Beside this they are should cook short and on high heat. inizia ad imparare
ciepło, gorąco, ogień, ogrzać, rozgrzać, grzać
You should know how to store food. inizia ad imparare
sklep, przechowalnia, zapas, zasób, zaopatrywać, składować, magazynować
On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
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On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
dżem, konfitury, zablokować
On the top shelf of the fridge we should store product like kefir, yogurt and jams, on the middle – cheese and cold cuts and on the lower shelf vegetable. inizia ad imparare
Eggs are coated with a natural layer that protects them from rotting. inizia ad imparare
Eggs are coated with a natural layer that protects them from rotting. inizia ad imparare
Eggs are coated with a natural layer that protects them from rotting. inizia ad imparare
Eggs stick on the side shelves of the fridge. inizia ad imparare
Eggs stick on the side shelves of the fridge. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables are washed under cold running water. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables must not be soaked in water, because then vitamins are decomposed. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables must not be soaked in water, because then vitamins are decomposed. inizia ad imparare
Vegetables must not be soaked in water, because then vitamins are decomposed. inizia ad imparare
Peeling vegetables, try to do it as thinly - just under the skin is hidden the most vitamins. inizia ad imparare
Peeling vegetables, try to do it as thinly - just under the skin is hidden the most vitamins. inizia ad imparare
Fishes we should rinse several times in cold water. inizia ad imparare
przepłukać, wypłukać, płukanie
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Instead of going the easy way and reach the semi-finished products is much healthier prepare meals yourself. inizia ad imparare
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
smak, gust, spróbować, smakować
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
wygląd, pojawienie się, występowanie
Semi-finished products contain large amounts of chemicals, which aims to improve the taste, smell and appearance of the food and salt and preservatives. inizia ad imparare
Avoid sodas and sugary juice. inizia ad imparare
Sugary and carbonated drinks are a real calorie bomb. inizia ad imparare
Sugary and carbonated drinks are a real calorie bomb. inizia ad imparare
Besides, also they are filled with preservatives and dyes. inizia ad imparare
If we want the juice, preferably we will prepare it ourselves. inizia ad imparare
korzystnie, raczej, chętnie
The human body cannot store water, excrete it in the urine and sweat. inizia ad imparare
The human body cannot store water, excrete it in the urine and sweat. inizia ad imparare
The human body cannot store water, excrete it in the urine and sweat. inizia ad imparare
Therefore, water must constantly replenish. inizia ad imparare
stale, ciągle, wciąż, nieprzerwanie
Therefore, water must constantly replenish. inizia ad imparare
uzupełniać, dolać, zaopatrywać w wodę
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare
składnik, component, element
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare
During the day should drink two liters of beverage including liter of mineral water, which contains more than 1000 minerals per liter and at least one component of a nutritionally or physiologically affecting the body. inizia ad imparare