1.2 FAMILY TIES- audio script 1.2

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Domanda Risposta
miło cię poznać
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pleasure to meet you
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a bit
nauczyciel naprawdę sprawiają, że czujesz się swobodnie
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the teacher really make you feel at easy/ put myself at easy
Tylko trochę
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Just a bit
niezbyt daleko
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not too far
na szczycie wzgórza
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at the top of the hill
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awful/ terrible/ horrible
dopiero po szóstej
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till after six
wiek szkolny
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primary school age
głównie w wieku pomiędzy
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mostly ages between
na pewno nie nauczyciel
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certainly not a teacher
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brzmi zabawnie!
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that sounds fun!
prosto do domu
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straight home
być może
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