04 - Phrasal verbs - Cambridge Intermediate - M McCarthy - 09.04.2014r

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rip off sth
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rip sth off
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to steal something
przykład - He rips stuff off from supermarkets to pay for his heroin.
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example - He rips off stuff from supermarkets to pay for his heroin.
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something that is not worth what you pay for it
orżnąć kogoś, zdzierać z kogoś pieniądze
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rip sb off
orżnąć kogoś, zdzierać z kogoś pieniądze
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to cheat someone by making them pay too much money for something
odpaść, wycofać się, nie brać w czymś więcej udziału
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drop out
odpaść, wycofać się, nie brać w czymś więcej udziału
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to not do something that you were going to do
odpaść, wycofać się, nie brać w czymś więcej udziału
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to stop doing something before you have completely finished
Drużyna odpadła z zawodów
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The team dropped out of the competition
wycofać się, porzucić, na przykład z konkursu
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drop out
rzucić szkołę
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drop out
rzucić szkołę
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If a student drops out, they stop going to classes before they have finished their course
wycofać się, na przykład z polityki
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drop out
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I dropped out of school at 16 to have my first son
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Many have dropped out of at least two other schools
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As we all know, far too many will drop out of school
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Two dropped out of the project a few weeks back
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He dropped out of the race after two laps
odszczepieniec, wyrzutek
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odszczepieniec, wyrzutek
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a person who leaves school, college, or university before finishing a course
odszczepieniec, wyrzutek
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a person who lives in an unusual way
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He was a high school dropout until the age of 23
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Why do you think the dropout rate is so high?
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When you look at the high dropout rate, especially among our boys
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Too bad the author was a religious school dropout at age 10
przerwać, przerywać, wtrącić, na przykład, do wypowiedzi
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break in
włamać się, na przykład, do budynku
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break in
włamać się, na przykład, do budynku
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an occasion when a building is entered illegally by a criminal or criminals, usually by damaging a window or door, especially in order to steal something
Ktoś włamał się do ich mieszkania ostatniej nocy
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Someone broke into their apartment last night
ujeżdżać, na przykład, konia
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break in
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After they break in I'm not likely to get much information.
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He did not know who was trying to break in.
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How could any man break in here, and you not know?
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Then how or which way should they first break in?
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rozchodzić nowe buty
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break new shoes in
wydarzenia, zwłaszcza dziwne
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to, co się dzieje
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They were able to meet with state officials in order to have a say in the ongoings of community events.
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If he knew something worth killing him over, I don't think it was one of my ongoings
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After this film, he went on to make comedy films that dealt with cops, criminals, and some unusual ongoings between them.
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By 1994 he was being interviewed by the press in response to the ongoings of the Texas Diocese.
stanowisko odprawy, na lotnisku
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check-in, check-in desk
Pan Smith jest proszony o zgłoszenie się do stanowiska odprawy
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Mr. Smith is asked to report at the check-in desk
Na tym lotnisku jest kilka stanowisk odprawy
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There are several check-in desks at this airport
Przynieśliśmy nasz bagaż do stanowiska odprawy
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We brought our baggage to the check-in desk
nakrywać, okrywać
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cover up
nakrywać, okrywać
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to cover something completely so that it cannot be seen
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He covered up the body with a sheet
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She just needs to cover up a little bit more sometimes!
próba ukrywania faktów
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próba zatuszowania faktów
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zasłaniać coś, tuszować coś
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cover sth up
próba zatuszowania faktów
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an attempt to prevent the public from discovering information about a serious crime or mistake
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And he made no effort at all to cover up his interest in the place to try to stop people from knowing the truth about a mistake, a crime, etc.
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They had used the girl to cover up their action.
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They, like all other women in this country, must still cover up
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And he made no effort at all to cover up his interest in the place
kasa, na przykład, w supermarkecie
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Przepraszam, że się spóźniłem - stałem w kolejce do kasy w supermarkecie
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Sorry I'm late - I was queuing at the checkout in a supermarket
wymeldowanie, na przykład, o określonej porze w hotelu
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rozprawa, uporanie się z jakimś problemem
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To był dobry przykład rozprawienia się policji z handlarzami narkotyków
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It was a good example of the police crackdown on drug-dealing
perspektywa, widok
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straż, czaty
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problem, sprawa
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He called up to the lookout to ask if all was well
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He thought she might even be on the lookout for him
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You've always got to be on the lookout for them
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She turned to the left and started around toward the lookout point
rozglądać się, czatować
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be on the lookout
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keep a lookout
rozglądać się uważnie
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keep a sharp lookout
jałmużna, zasiłek, datek
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ulotka, prospekt, materiały dla słuchaczy, od nauczyciela
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ulotka, prospekt, materiały dla słuchaczy, od nauczyciela
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a printed copy of information, given to attendees at a meeting, for example
kopia do rozdania
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kopia do rozdania
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a copy to be distributed
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Why do you think that more handouts for people with children is a good thing?
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At social services, you're only considered someone who wants a handout.
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So we give them a little help on the back of a handout
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The feeling here now is that there will be no more handouts
darowizna, jałmużna
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okres przejściowy
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changeover, switchover
przejście, zmiana, na przykład, na czas letni
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changeover, switchover
zmiana, na przykład, lidera
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changeover, switchover
zmiana stron, przekazanie pałeczki
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changeover, switchover
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The changeover took place on a particular day in the summer of 1995
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The changeover takes twice as long because of all the people
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Run 2 shows what would happen if more changeovers were included
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Her skin felt hot, maybe from the changeover back to human

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