Słówka 5.11 i 7.11

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fearless, nieustraszony, dzielny
to beget
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to be the father of sb or rasult in sth, cause sth
to elucidate
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objaśniać, naświetlić, to clarify, provide more details
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denerwujący, męczący, irritating or annoying
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intended to be amusing in inappropriate way, niepoważny
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mieszkaniec, zaaklimatyzowana roślina, person who lives in a particular place
a missive
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very long/official letter (także posłanie)
to get one's dander up
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to make sb angry
to mingle with
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to mix with
to frequent sth
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to visit regularly
to keep sth/sb at bay
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at the same distance
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tu, in this place (or a document) '... lies the problem'
to outwit sb
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to win/beat sb by being smarter, przechytrzyć
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instance of acquiring knowledge by reasoning (rozumowanie) or senses
to conjure up
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wyczarować, wywołać, imagine, make a picture
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circles in the water
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cause sth to look less attractive
hold with
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approve of
a stopgap
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a person/thing that act as a temporary substitute for sth another, zapchajdziura
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wskazany, korzystny, useful, helpful, advisable
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sb's invitation not to accept/agree
to gauge
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zmierzyć, wymierzyć, sth that measure very carefully
to hold on
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to wait
to hold out
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to remain in small quantities
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stronnik, person that fight insidiously, enthusiastic/uncritical supporter
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to be made of, mieścić, zawierać
to ebb
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ustępować, topnieć, going out, receding
to comply with
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to obey
to dwindle
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zmierzyć się, osłabnąć, to diminish, become less
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pyłek kwiatowy
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a briefing
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detailed informations or instructions
to lapsed
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elementarny, basic
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strange habit
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put sth with its top on the ground, postawiony pionowo
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existing from the beginning (e.g. of the World)
to evolve into
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ewoluować, change
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dopełnienie, combining well to form a whole
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making sb incapable of thinking
to overtax
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to put too great a strain in sb, to tax heavily
to bemoan
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lamentować nad, opłakiwać, to show sorrow for sb/sth
to toddler in a sugar high
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(idiom) euphoria after eating sugar filled food
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person who tells the public secret news, informator, donosiciel
surfeit of sth
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too much of sth, nadmiar
to empower
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to give power
a barrage of
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a large number of (questions), zalew, potok
a defiant
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czupurny, krnąbrny, sb who disobeys, sb disobedient
rambling speech
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disconnected and not keeping to the subject
to debilitate
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osłabić, make sth weaker
to proliferate
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rozrosnąć się, rozrastać się, to multiply, to increasing in number rapidly
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given in the past, utracony
to chafe at
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to become irritated or impatient, irytować się z powodu
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set of rules that should be followed
over stasis
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istotny, klin, main, most important
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access of sth, lots of unecessary things
default to sth
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to fail to do one in supposed to do
the rub
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trzeć, pocierać, masować
a surefire
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pewny, niezawodny, certain to be successful
to separate wheat form chaff
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to separate valuable things from those worthless
to warp
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to distort, paczyć

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