Potoczny brytyjski (2011-10)

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Domanda English Risposta English
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to be in a huff
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to feel cross and insulted
like the clappers
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very quickly
that rings a bell
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that sounds familiar, I've heard that before
to balloon
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to become very obese
to spread/preach the word
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to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
mark my words
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listen carefully to what I am saying
to have the gall to...
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to have the impertinence to
to go for gold
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to attempt to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games
to pull up one's socks
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to work harder, to improve/reform
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wrong understanding of something, usually of what someone said
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something suggested, suitable; something that shows or makes something clear
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to notice, to recognise
to keep something low-key
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to draw little attention, to keep things quiet
to love someone to bits
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to love someone very much
a no-go area
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unsafe territory, an area to avoid
no room for doubt
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to have a feeling of outright conviction
to be up with the lark
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to be up early in the morning
to monkey with
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to interfere with, normally with damaging results
to be a bag of bones
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to be reduced to almost skin and bone through sickness or undernourishment
to feel the pinch
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to feel discomfort through a shortage of money
come hell or high water
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whatever the stumbling blocks/hurdles
to be blindingly obvious
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to be distinctly self-evident
a race against time
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a rush to complete a mission/undertaking within a specific time
to get the feel of
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to become accustomed to, get used to
my heart goes out to
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I feel extreme compassion and sympathy for

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