It ... made in sweatshops You shouldn't buy clothes made in sweatshops. - WRONG inizia ad imparare
It is wrong of you to buy clothes made in sweatshops
The doctor shone a light in her mouth ... her throat properly. The doctor shone a light in her mouth in order to see her throat properly. - SO inizia ad imparare
The doctor shone a light in her mouth so as to see her throat properly.
My teacher ... a foreign language "I think it would be a good idea if you learned a foreign language", my teacher said to me. - ADVISED inizia ad imparare
My teacher advised me to learn a foreign language
You really must learn to drive a car. - TIME inizia ad imparare
It's time you learnt to drive a car.
It ... Harry had ever eaten spinach Harry had never eaten spinach before. - FIRST inizia ad imparare
It was the first time Harry had ever eaten spinach.
Luckily, I ... the airport by a local shopkeeper. Luckily, a local shopkeeper told me how to get to the airport. - DIRECTIONS inizia ad imparare
Luckily, I was given directions to the airport by a local shopkeeper.
Fiona has ... about taking a gap year. Fiona hasn't come to a decision about taking a gap year. - MIND inizia ad imparare
Fiona has not made up her mind about taking a gap year.
Not many people came to the party. - HARDLY inizia ad imparare
There was hardly any people at the party.
These old photos ... of my childhood. These old photos remind me of my childhood. - BRING inizia ad imparare
These old photos bring back memories of my childhood.
Melissa ... cheated in her exams. Everyone says that Melissa cheated in her exams. - SAID inizia ad imparare
Melissa is said to have cheated in her exams.
My mother ... some of my friends. My mother doesn't like some of my friends. - APPROVE inizia ad imparare
My mother doesn't approve of some of my friends.
If we ... miss the train. We'd better hurry if we want to catch that train. - WILL inizia ad imparare
If we don't hurry, we will miss the train.
The woman ... from the shop. "I stole the ring from the shop" said the woman. - ADMITTED inizia ad imparare
The woman admitted stealing the ring from the shop.
All flights are cancelled ... the air traffic controllers are on strike. All fights are cancelled because the air traffic controllers are on strike. - DUE inizia ad imparare
All flights are cancelled due to the fact that the air traffic controllers are on strike.
In ..., she went to work. Even though she felt unwell, she went to work. - OF inizia ad imparare
In spite of felling unwell, she went to work.
You'll get into trouble if ... your school work. You'll get into trouble if you don't keep up with your school work. - BEHIND inizia ad imparare
You'll get into trouble if you fall behind with your school work.
This new smartphone ... many young professional people. Many young professional people really like this new smartphone. - POPULAR inizia ad imparare
This new smartphone is very popular with many young professional people.
You should get a promotion ... the job well. Getting a promotion depends on your doing the job well. - PROVIDED inizia ad imparare
You should get a promotion provided you do the job well.
Darren ... on the trip because of his broken leg. Darren couldn't go on the trip because of his broken leg. - ABLE inizia ad imparare
Darren wasn't able to go on the trip because of his broken leg.
It ... her essay on Shakespeare. Clara spent ages writing her essay on Shakespeare. - TOOK inizia ad imparare
It took Clara ages to write her essay on Shakespeare.
Tom's car isn't ... hers. Her car is much faster than Tom's. NEARLY inizia ad imparare
Tom's car isn't nearly as fast as hers.
He saved his money ... the world. He saved his money in order to travel the world. VIEW inizia ad imparare
He saved his money with a view of travelling the world.
When we were in Ireland we visited the ... filmed. In Ireland, we visited the place they filmed Braveheart. WHERE inizia ad imparare
When we were in Ireland we visited the place where Braveheart was filmed.
This is ... meal I have ever eaten. I have never eaten such a delicious meal. FAR inizia ad imparare
This is by far the the most delicious meal I have ever eaten.
My mum washed my jeans. HAD inizia ad imparare
I had my jeans washed by my mum.
She doesn't really want to go shopping. PREFER inizia ad imparare
She would prefer not to go shopping.
It was a mistake for me to take your car. SHOULD inizia ad imparare
I should not have taken your car.
There ... in the cupboards. The cupboards are totally bare. LEFT inizia ad imparare
There is nothing left in the cupboards.
It's your duty to walk the dog. RESPONSIBLE inizia ad imparare
You are responsible for walking the dog.
She described the party in great detail. DESCRIPTION inizia ad imparare
She gave a detailed description of the party.
Provided ... in advance, there shouldn't be a problem. As long as you inform Bill in advance, there shouldn't be a problem. LET inizia ad imparare
Provided that you let Bill know in advance, there shouldn't be a problem.
If you want to keep fit, you need to exercise more. OUT inizia ad imparare
Only by working out will you keep fit.
Stella ... didn't come to the picnic. Everyone came to the picnic except Stella. WHO inizia ad imparare
Stella was the only one who didn't come to the picnic.
It ... to travel across Europe next year. Milly intends to travel across Europe next year. INTENTION inizia ad imparare
It is Milly's intention to travel across Europe next year.
It wasn't necessary for you to make dinner. MADE inizia ad imparare
You needn't have made dinner.
I ... my mother with my excuse. My excuse failed to reassure my mother. SUCCEED inizia ad imparare
I didn't succeed in reassuring my mother with my excuse.
It ... if you had called first. You should have called first. BETTER inizia ad imparare
It would have been better if you had called first.
My sister ... wearing her new dress. My sister will let me wear her new dress. OBJECTION inizia ad imparare
My sister has no objection to my wearing her new dress.
But ... they would never have gone to the film. They would never have gone to the film if I hadn't recommended it. FOR inizia ad imparare
But for my recommendation they would never have gone to the film.
Nancy will probably pass the exam. LIKELY inizia ad imparare
Nancy is likely to pass the exam.
I can't make you a sandwich because I ... bread. I can't make you a sandwich because there's no bread left. RUN inizia ad imparare
I can't make you a sandwich because I have run out of bread.
I am not giving you any money, ... you beg. You can beg all you want, but I'm not giving you any money. MATTER inizia ad imparare
I am not giving you any money, no matter how much you beg.
The doctor ... hours before he saw her. The doctor made Mum wait for four hours before he saw her. KEPT inizia ad imparare
The doctor kept Mum waiting for four hours before he saw her.
She ... and stare out of the window. She just stood staring out of the window. NOTHING inizia ad imparare
She did nothing but stand and stare out of the window.
He'll have no difficulty passing the exam. EASY inizia ad imparare
He'll find it easy to pass the exam.
Bill didn't ... he was in his late thirties. Bill was in his late thirties when he decided to take up photography. BECOME inizia ad imparare
Bill didn't become a photographer until he was in his late thirties.
What ... ask your friends' advice. You should have asked for your friends' advice. PITY inizia ad imparare
What a pity you didn't ask your friends' advice.
"I'm sorry I didn't visit you in hospital" she said to me. VISITING inizia ad imparare
She apologised for not visiting me in hospital.
This suitcase ... put on the luggage rack. This suitcase is too heavy to put on the luggage rack. ENOUGH inizia ad imparare
This suitcase is not light enough to put on the luggage rack.
I ... between Suzy and her twin sister Lucy. Suzy and her twin sister Lucy look exactly the same to me. TELL inizia ad imparare
I can't tell the difference between Suzy and her twin sister Lucy.
You ... Tom this morning. He's away on holiday. I'm sure you didn't see Tom this morning. He is away on holiday. SEEN inizia ad imparare
You can't have seen Tom this morning. He's away on holiday.
Jack's mother made him tidy up his room. WAS inizia ad imparare
Jack was made to tidy up his room.
The football match ... to the snowstorm. They cancelled the football match because of the snowstorm. OFF inizia ad imparare
The football match was called of due to to the snowstorm.
It won't be ... skiing this winter. There's no chance of us going skiing this winter. POSSIBLE inizia ad imparare
It won't be possible for us to go skiing this winter.
Your parents ... your rude behaviour at the party. Your rude behaviour at the party disappointed your parents. LET inizia ad imparare
Your parents were let down by your rude behaviour at the party.
She started cooking dinner ... home. When she arrived home, she started cooking dinner. SOON inizia ad imparare
She started cooking dinner as soon as she arrived home.
Matt ... his vegetable garden. Matt is proud of his vegetable garden. PRIDE inizia ad imparare
Matt takes pride in his vegetable garden.
You shuold wear sun cream ... sunburnt. You should wear sun cream to avoid getting sunburnt. AS inizia ad imparare
You shuold wear sun cream so as not to get sunburnt.
It's the ... ever been to. I've never been to such an exciting match. MOST inizia ad imparare
It's the most exciting match I have ever been to.
The ... the higher the cost of living becomes. As food prices increases, the cost of living becomes higher. UP inizia ad imparare
The more food prices go up the higher the cost of living becomes.
You ... photographs in the museum. It is forbidden to take photographs in the museum. ALLOWED inizia ad imparare
You are not allowed to take photographs in the museum.
The decorators are painting our house this weekend. DECORATED inizia ad imparare
We are having our house decorated this weekend.
She ... such an expensive ring. "Can I afford such an expensive ring?" she asked herself. WONDERED inizia ad imparare
She wondered if she could afford such an expensive ring.
If Pam hadn't sprained her wrist, ... in the tennis match. Pam didn't play in the tennis match because she sprained her wrist. WOULD inizia ad imparare
If Pam hadn't sprained her wrist, she would have played in the tennis match.
Under ... lecture be missed. You shouldn't miss the lecture under any circumstances. NO inizia ad imparare
Under no circumstances should the lecture be missed.
It was kind of Frank ... with my gardening. Frank helped me with my gardening, which was kind of him. GIVE inizia ad imparare
It was kind of Frank to give me a hand with my gardening.
Neither Max ... the marathon. Max and Sally didn't take part in the marathon. NOR inizia ad imparare
Neither Max nor Sally took part in the marathon.
No sooner ... the phone rang. I had just woken up when the phone rang. THAN inizia ad imparare
No sooner had I woken up than the phone rang.
Bruce was advised ... amount of fast food he eats. "You should eat less fast food" the doctor said to Bruce. DOWN inizia ad imparare
Bruce was advised to cut down on the amount of fast food he eats.
Unfortunately, I'm not very ... Polish. Unfortunately, I can't speak Polish very well. GOOD inizia ad imparare
Unfortunately, I'm not very good at speaking Polish.
Catherine asked if I ... my camping gear at the weekend. Catherine asked to borrow my campaign gear at the weekend. COULD inizia ad imparare
Catherine asked if I could lent her my camping gear at the weekend.
It ... visit the art gallery on Sundays. You can visit the art gallery free of charge on Sundays. COSTS inizia ad imparare
It costs nothing to visit the art gallery on Sundays.
She ... all this cleaning. All this cleaning has exhausted her. WORN inizia ad imparare
She is worn out by all this cleaning.