glossika 186 -215

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he's not playing the piano
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on nie gra na pianinie
He's laughing
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on się śmieje
he's wearing a hat
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on jest w kapeluszu
he's not writing a letter
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on nie pisze listu
I'm not washing my hair
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Nie myję włosów
It isn't snowing
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nie pada śnieg
I'm sitting on a chair.
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Siedzę na krześle.
I'm not eating
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Nie jem
I'm not studying english
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Nie uczę się angielskiego
I'm listening to music.
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Słucham muzyki.
the sun isn't shining
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Słońce nie świeci
I'm wearing my shoes.
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jestem w butach
I'm not reading the newspaper
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Nie czytam gazety
Are you feeling okey?
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Dobrze się czujesz?
is it raining?
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czy pada deszcz?
yes, take an umbrella.
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tak, weź parasolkę.
why are you wearing a coat?
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dlaczego jesteś w płaszczu?
it's not cold
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nie jest zimno
what's he doing?
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co on robi?
what are the children doing?
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co robią dzieci?
they're watching tv.
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oglądają telewizję.
where's she going?
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dokąd ona idzie?
who are you waiting for?
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Na kogo czekasz?
are you waiting for John?
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czy czekasz na Johna?
are you leaving now?
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is chris working today?
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czy chris pracuje dzisiaj?

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