Ask if he has any brothers or sisters. Yes, he's got a brother and two sisters. inizia ad imparare
Zapytaj, czy ma braci lub siostry. Tak, ma brata i dwie siostry.
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Do you have time tomorrow? No, I don't inizia ad imparare
Czy masz czas jutro? Nie, nie mam
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He doesn't have much money, but he has a lot of free time. inizia ad imparare
on nie ma dużo pieniędzy, ale ma dużo wolnego czasu.
he has a lot of computer games. inizia ad imparare
on ma dużo gier komputerowych.
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we have a lot of work to do. inizia ad imparare
I don't have your phone number. inizia ad imparare
Nie mam twojego numeru telefonu.
how much money, do you have with you? inizia ad imparare
jak dużo pieniędzy masz ze sobą?
she doesn't have a car. She goes everywhere, by bicycle. inizia ad imparare
ona nie ma samochodu. Jeździ wszędzie rowerem.
Tom isn't happy. He has a lot of problems. inizia ad imparare
Tom nie jest szczęśliwy. Ma wiele problemów.
what's wrong? - I've got something in my eye inizia ad imparare
Co się stało? - Mam coś w oku
where's my phone? - I don't know. I don't have it. inizia ad imparare
gdzie jest mój telefon? - Nie wiem. Ja gonie mam
she wants to go to the concert, but she hasn't got a ticket. inizia ad imparare
ona chce iść na koncert, ale nie ma biletu.
I'm not feeling well. I've got a bad cold. inizia ad imparare
Nie czuję się dobrze. Jestem mocno przeziębiona.
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He's got a lot of friends. inizia ad imparare