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przerwać, zaprzestać, ustać inizia ad imparare
Cease trying to do more than you can.
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The calm music made her fall asleep.
wyzwanie, prowokacja, ośmielać (się) inizia ad imparare
I didn't dare to ask her.
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Most fruit trees blossom in spring.
wzdragać się (przed czymś), zapierać się, belka inizia ad imparare
In turn, French President Nicolas Sarkozy baulked at the idea of Turkey holding a veto position on the coalition action, potentially limiting operations.
szacunek, poważanie, szanować inizia ad imparare
She has won esteem for her work with cancer patients.
skinąć, zaprosić gestem, kusić, wabić inizia ad imparare
She beckoned the waiter to come over.
zwisać, zwieszać się (np. nad klifem) inizia ad imparare
A cliff overhangs the trail.
utrzymywać się (np. o zapachu), ociągać się, zwlekać inizia ad imparare
The tourists didn't linger very long.
przypalenie (na czymś), przypalić (coś) inizia ad imparare
Then he hurried away, as though the ground were scorching his feet.
rozrzucać, rozsypywać, rozejść się, rozpędzać inizia ad imparare
Lakes are scattered around the area.
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<police found the stolen jewels under the floorboards in the thief's hideout, a cabin deep in the woods>
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Continue straight ahead at the next junction.
zaznajomić, zapoznać (kogoś z kimś) inizia ad imparare
This class is designed to acquaint students with the region's most important writers.
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Jack yawned and rubbed his eyes.
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Their proximity made her feel better.
harówka, znój, ciężka praca inizia ad imparare
He hated the drudgery of his job.
rozluźniać (się), odprężać (się), odwijać, odkręcać inizia ad imparare
Let's unwind after a long day.
przynieść (pójść po coś i wrócić), osiągać wartość inizia ad imparare
He fetched the dictionary.
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zbić z tropu, wprawić w zakłopotanie, zaskoczyć inizia ad imparare
The friend was baffled when he saw so many tablets and such writing.
daleki, odległy, mało prawdopodobny inizia ad imparare
“Companies’ ability to find new energy reserves, especially in remote locations, is altering the global market.”
wielki rozmiar, cielsko, ogrom, hurtowy inizia ad imparare
We spent the bulk of the summer at the beach.
zdumiewający, szokujący, oszałamiający inizia ad imparare
The storm caused a staggering amount of damage.
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The world's most endangered species of cat could have been saved from extinction thanks to a project in Spain.
gromada, stado, gromadzić się inizia ad imparare
A flock of sheep has escaped onto the road.
dziwny, dziwaczny, ekscentryczny inizia ad imparare
<wearing red shoes every day is just one of her quirks>
nurkowanie (z rurką do oddychania) inizia ad imparare
Snorkelling requires wearing flippers.
wezwanie (o coś), odwołanie (od decyzji), czar, urok inizia ad imparare
Her jokes are quickly losing their appeal.
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równoczesny, jednoczesny, zbieżny inizia ad imparare
przemoczony, namoczony, nasycony (np. o roztworze) inizia ad imparare
wykwintny, wytworny, z wyższych sfer inizia ad imparare
That restaurant is really posh.
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I stumbled as I was getting off of the train.
drzeć, rozdzierać, rozdarcie inizia ad imparare
Don't tear this document while copying!
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He had to have 7 stitches.
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That's how some describe the concentrated, throbbing pain of a migraine.
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One room will suffice for us.
zarzucać (coś komuś), powoływać, przytaczać inizia ad imparare
Some critics allege Gaddis turned against his subject.
przeciwieństwo, sprzeczny inizia ad imparare
On the contrary, the true believers are strong believers.
pokaźny (o sumie), znaczny (o rozmiarze), istotny (o wydarzeniu) inizia ad imparare
Officials said the company is in talks with two cities offering substantial incentives to build the studio.
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We strive to make our customers happy.
udogodnienia, wyposażenie inizia ad imparare
The hotel has every amenity you could want.
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posiadłość, osiedle, majątek inizia ad imparare
Peasant properties might be intermixed with large estates owned by resident landlords.
brzydzić się, czuć wstręt, nienawidzić inizia ad imparare
I've never loathed any book as much as that one.
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Sometimes, it has to be done in a opaque way
uchylić się, ignorować, pomijać, obchodzić inizia ad imparare
The prisoner evaded questioning by pretending to be sick.
korytarz, ustęp, fragment inizia ad imparare
odkopywać, wykopywać (spod ziemi), wydobywać inizia ad imparare
My research unearthed some little known facts.
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Now we have a good local solution for drought.
odwoływać, anulować, unieważniać inizia ad imparare
rwący potok, silny prąd, ulewa, strumień (deszczu) inizia ad imparare
zażarty, gwałtowny, ostry, dziki, agresywny inizia ad imparare
She turned a sharp, fierce look upon him.
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niższej jakości, gorszy, podwładny inizia ad imparare
I don't want her to feel inferior.