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She had to face the gruesome task of identifying the body of the murdered.
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The exhibition was considered a chaotic collection of wacky pictures.
mocno stąpający po ziemi, pewny siebie; ukarany zakazem wychodzenia z domu, uziemiony inizia ad imparare
Tina is a grounded kind of person- she’s going to cope with that pressure.
ciężki, poważny (np. o obrażeniu ciała, ranie) inizia ad imparare
The driver sustained grievous injuries.
ogromny korek uliczny, impas inizia ad imparare
The car crash in the city centre caused an awful gridlock.
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Add some garlic and freshly ground pepper.
destrukcyjny, niszczący; zakłócający inizia ad imparare
The student was punished for his disruptive behaviour but no teacher tried to understand the reasons for his disobedience.
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Hard-wingers and roughnecks disrupted the demonstration.
schwycić coś, kogoś, uchwycić coś, kogoś, pojąć inizia ad imparare
Harry grasped her by the shoulders.
absolwent; ukończyć szkołę lub studia inizia ad imparare
She graduated from Harvard and that’s why she’s so conceited.
wieczny, odwieczny, niezmienny inizia ad imparare
The way of bringing up the children is a perennial source of conflict between them
natrętność, naleganie, natarczywość inizia ad imparare
Sally complained about the locals' importunity.
narzucać się, naprzykrzać; molestować o coś, żądać pieniędzy; nakłaniać do nierządu, składać nieprzyzwoite propozycje inizia ad imparare
We were importuned for money in the street.
zniechęcający, odstraszający inizia ad imparare
Don’t leave me alone with the daunting task of cleaning up the whole house!
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This piece of news appears credible.
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Remember that he's sly enough to cheat us.
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He believed teaching was his real vocation.
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Michael loves his cat so much that he feels offended if a guest of his doesn't stroke her or at least state she's beautiful.