Synonyms for the adverb "very"

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Domanda English Risposta English
clearly very much better than what is usual
Have I already told you that you are _________ stunning?
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Have I already told you that you are outstandingly stunning?
very much, used to emphasize a statement
I am _________ disappointed with you.
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I am really disappointed with you.
used to emphasize a statement, especially an angry one
What?! The essay wasn't obligatory? What a _________ waste of time!
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What?! The essay wasn't obligatory? What a fucking waste of time!
clearly very much different than what is usual
What happened to her? She is _________ talkative today.
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What happened to her? She is unusually talkative today.
very much, used to emphasize a statement
It is _________ recommended to choose more than five subjects.
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It is highly recommended to choose more than five subjects.
very much, used to emphasize a statement
I checked my bag _________ but I didn't find the keys.
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I checked my bag thoroughly but I didn't find the keys.
very good or very big
Michael Jackson had a _________ voice.
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Michael Jackson had a mega voice.
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