Synonyms for the adjective "happy"

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Domanda English Risposta English
very energetic
His ________ attitude helped him get over the loss.
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His exuberant attitude helped him get over the loss.
happy and positive
Turn this depressing music off and put on something ________.
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Turn this depressing music off and put on something cheerful.
very pleased
I am ________ about the idea! Let's do it!
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I am delighted about the idea! Let's do it!
happy or showing enjoyment
________ Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!
very energetic
Spaniards are very ________, they laugh a lot and party every night.
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Spaniards are very vibrant, they laugh a lot and party every night.
in a good mood
For someone who has just broken up you look quite ________.
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For someone who has just broken up you look quite jovial.
I am ________ you could come.
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I am glad you could come.
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