Synonyms for the adjective "nice"

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Domanda English Risposta English
behaving in a way that is socially correct and shows understanding of and care for other people's feelings
My teacher isn't too _________, she doesn't show any respect to her students.
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My teacher isn't too courteous, she doesn't show any respect to her students.
fashionable or attractive
My new teacher is ________, he skateboards and even has a tattoo!
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also: very good
My new teacher is cool, he skateboards and even has a tattoo!
deserving praise
For your ________ effort I would like to give you a rise.
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For your commendable effort I would like to give you a rise.
friendly, but formal and polite
I could stare at her _________ smile for hours.
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I could stare at her cordial smile for hours.
behaving politely and in a controlled way
It is incredible he remained _________, when they started shouting at him.
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It is incredible he remained decorous, when they started shouting at him.
attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way
The ________ painting reminded me of my childhood days.
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The winsome painting reminded me of my childhood days.
very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable
I have had a _________ evening. We should go out together more often!
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I have had a delightful evening. We should go out together more often!
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