Sep 21 (4) Pat's words 2021_07_06

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Domanda English Risposta English
An excerpt from her new thriller will appear in this weekend's magazine.
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a short part taken from a speech, book, film, etc
to be toast
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to be done /cooked
to be on the other end of the spectrum
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to be on the opposite side of a distribution
You might need some sugar on the rhubarb - it's a little tart.
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tasting sour or acidic:
ego boost
Knowing that a handsome young man finds you attractive is a massive ego boost. To start with, it was an ego boost. It was an ego boost that somebody so young wanted me
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something such as praise, success, etc, that makes one feel better about oneself or raises one's morale
to be on death row
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to be sentenced to death
to frame
He claimed he'd been framed by the police.
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to make a person seem to be guilty of a crime when they are not, by producing facts or information that are not true
a splash
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a small amount of a liquid that has fallen or been dropped
He made some derogatory comment/remark about her appearance
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showing strong disapproval and not showing respect

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