Sep 21(3) Pat's words 2021_06_29

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Domanda English Risposta English
Hunt and peck typing
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two-fingered typing
to * a wall with a *
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to paint a wall with a paint
to * a cloth with a *
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to dye a cloth with a dye
An artist uses * of different colours
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An artist uses paint of different colours
a dance/sports contest She's won a lot of beauty contests.
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a competition to do better than other people, usually in which prizes are given
In tonight's quiz, our contestants have come from all over the country
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someone who competes in a contest
a beauty pageant
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a competition for young women in which they are judged on their beauty and other qualities:
dead in the water
So how does a government revive an economy that is dead in the water?
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If something is *, it has failed and it seems impossible that it will be successful in the future
a heated debate
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excited or angry
* a tree
Under is used when something is directly under another. Underneath is often used to say that something is covered by another thing. Beneath has the same meanings as under or underneath, but it's a formal, literary word
The tunnel goes right underneath the city. They found a bomb underneath the car.
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under a tree

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