Na ulicy - In the street

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Jak daleko to jest?
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How far is it?
Jak długo zajmie mi dotarcie tam?
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How long would it take me to get there?
Muszę jechać dwoma autobusami, żeby wrócić do domu.
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I have to take two buses to get home.
również: I must grab/catch two buses to get home.
Czy możesz powtórzyć jak tam dojść?
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Could you please repeat the directions?
Mam zły adres.
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I have the wrong address.
Czy wie Pan czy jest tutaj budka telefoniczna?
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Do you know if there is a phone booth?
Co to za ulica?
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What street is this?
+13 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Rozmówki polsko-angielskie"
(Un totale di 516 schede)

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