Exercise 2

 0    23 schede    VocApp
Domanda English Risposta English
... cold
Put this jacket on to not ... cold.
inizia ad imparare
get cold
Put this jacket on to not get cold.
... energy
Turn the devices off when you sleep, it will ... energy.
inizia ad imparare
save energy
Turn the devices off when you sleep, it will save energy.
... evidence
The lawyer couldn't ... any evidence to prove his innocence.
inizia ad imparare
give evidence
The lawyer couldn't give any evidence to prove his innocence.
... expense
Using coupons and offers will ... a lot of expense.
inizia ad imparare
save expense
Using coupons and offers will save a lot of expense.
... by credit card
It is the only store that allows you to ... by credit card.
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pay by credit card
It is the only store that allows you to pay by credit card.
... divorced
The couple decided to ... divorced after the reunion failed.
inizia ad imparare
get divorced
The couple decided to get divorced after the reunion failed.
... a party
They are ... a party to celebrate the marriage anniversary.
inizia ad imparare
give a party
They are giving a party to celebrate the marriage anniversary.
+16 schede
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"Collocazioni in inglese"
(Un totale di 1.173 schede)

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