Collocations with the verb "to break"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to stop in a place during a long journey
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break a journey
We broke our journey in London.
to surpass previous achievements in something
also: to dig the foundation of a new house
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break ground
We hope to break ground with our business idea.
to pack a tent
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break camp
We had to break camp and leave before sunrise.
to fail to obey the rules
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break the rules
Kids often break the rules in school.
to reveal information for the first time
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break a story
Disney broke the story about their new movie.
to stop doing something you're used to
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break the routine
Aguilera broke the routine and sang without rehearsing.
to be the first who tells the bad news to someone
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break the news
My father broke the news about our grandma's death.
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