Collocations with the preposition "by"

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Domanda English Risposta English
to memorize something perfectly
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know something by heart
Kelly is sure she knows the poem by heart.
to add a number to itself a specific number of times
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multiply by something (number)
At the age of 5, she knew to multiply 12 by 44.
to become afraid that something undesirable might occur because of somebody / something
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be frightened by somebody / something
The child was frightened by the unhealthy behaviour of his mother.
to feel tired because something is not interesting
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be bored by something
Fill is bored by his father's stories.
to cause to exist due to the work of somebody
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be made by somebody
The first telephone was made by Bell.
to feel surprised because of somebody / something
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be shocked by somebody / something
The guests were shocked by the drunk man.
to calculate the number of times that one number fits into the other
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divide by something (number)
Mary, how much is 20 divided by 2?
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