Examples of carbohydrates

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Domanda English Risposta English
Monosaccharides in animals:
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glucose, galactose
Monosaccharides in plants:
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glucose, fructose
Disaccharides in animals:
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Disaccharides in plants:
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sucrose, maltose
Polisaccharides in animals:
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Polisaccharides in plants:
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cellulose, starch
Functions of glucose in animals (2):
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transported in blood plasma, ATP
Functions of glucose in plants (1):
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first product of photosynthesis
Functions of galactose (1):
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used in production of lactose
Functions of fructose (2):
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production of energy, production of sucrose
Functions of lactose (1):
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feeding offspring
Functions of sucrose (2):
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produced in green leaves from glucose and fructose; used in transport (not reactive)
Functions of maltose (1):
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breakdown product in the hydrolisis of starch
Functions of glycogen (1):
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storages carbohydrate, e.g. in liver
Functions of cellulose (1):
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cell walls
Functions of starch (1):
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storage of carbohydrates

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