ensure, seizure, any point in asking, busy, up to you, aneurysm, rupture, artisan, have a row

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We can {zapewnić} that the work shall be done in the right way.
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ensure {ɪnˈʃɔ:ʳ}
He had an epileptic {napad}.
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seizure {ˈsi:ʒəʳ,}
Is there any {jakikolwiek sens pytać} where you were last night?
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any point in asking
I'm sorry, but I'm {zajęty} just now.
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busy {ˈbɪzi}
It's {zależy od ciebie}.
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up to you
An {tętniak} is a localised widening of an artery.
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aneurysm {ˈæn. jə. rɪ. zəm}
The pipe will {pęknie} at its weakest point.
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rupture {ˈrʌptʃəʳ} {pęknięcie, pękać, zrywać}
The {rzemieślnik} can cut stones into various shapes.
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artisan {ˈɑ: tɪzæn}
If two people have a... they have a noisy argument.
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have a row

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