take care of, take advantage of, take part in, take place, take your time, take into account, take after, take up

 0    9 schede    maksborysowski
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opiekować, zadbać
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take care of
Take care of my brother and sister.
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take advantage of
Should people take advantage of this offer?
brać udział, uczestniczyć
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take part in
Did you take part in the brawl yesterday?
mieć miejsce, zdarzyć się
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take place
A singing meet will take place next week.
nie śpiesz się
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take your time
Don't rush: take your time.
wziąć coś pod uwagę
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take into account
Take into account your own strengths and weaknesses.
być podobnym do kogoś z rodziny, wdać się w kogoś
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take after
Your daughter doesn't take after you at all.
zaczynać nową aktywność
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take up
Don't suddenly take up violent exercise after years of inactivity.
It's never over till it's over.
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{dopóki coś się definitywnie nie skończy, wszystko się może zdarzyć}

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