cat harness, breed of dog, filthy, PhD, announcer, typo / typos, look down on someone, throw water, potentially fatal consequences, habitual offender

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uprząż/szelki dla kota
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cat harness {ˈhɑː(r)nɪs}
But if your cat is a little Houdini, you may need a harness with a slightly tighter fit.
rasa psa
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breed of dog {bri: d}
The breed was on the verge of extinction.
niesamowicie brudny, sprośny
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filthy {ˈfɪlθi}
This carpet's filthy! / Keep your filthy paws off me!
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PhD {ˌpiː. eɪtʃˈdiː} {doctor of philosophy}
He's got a PhD in Biochemistry.
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announcer {əˈnaʊnsəʳ}
The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.
literówka / literówki
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typo / typos {ˈtaɪ. pəʊ}
I see a couple of typos.
patrzeć na kogoś z góry
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look down on someone
to think that you are better than someone: She thinks they look down on her because she doesn't have a job.
chlusnąć wodą
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throw water
He watched the kids throw water around with amused tolerance.
potencjalnie śmiertelne konsekwencje
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potentially fatal consequences
notoryczny przestępca (recydywista)
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habitual offender (recidivist)

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