Breathtaking, Hoax, Blissful, Hatched, Theories multiply, Mundane matters, Bearable, Entitled, Alleged, Plausible, Inside job

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The view from the mountaintop was {zapierający dech w piersiach}.
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Breathtaking {ˈbrɛθˌteɪkɪŋ}
The news about the UFO sighting turned out to be a {oszustwo, mistyfikacja}.
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Hoax {hoʊks}
They spent a {błogi, pełen szczęścia} day by the seaside.
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Blissful {ˈblɪs. fəl}
They {opracowali plan, knuć} a plan to launch a new product next year.
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Hatched {hætʃt}
s more evidence emerged, {teorie się mnożą}.
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Theories multiply {ˈθɪəriz ˈmʌltəplaɪ}
{Przyziemne sprawy} such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
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Mundane matters {ˌmʌnˈdeɪn}
The pain was {znośny, do zniesienia} with medication.
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Bearable {ˈbɛrəbl̩}
The book is {zatytułowana} 'The Mystery of the Lost Key.
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Entitled {ɪnˈtaɪtld̩}
The {domniemany, rzekomy} thief was caught on camera.
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Alleged {əˈlɛdʒd}
His explanation seemed {wiarygodny, prawdopodobny} given the circumstances.
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Plausible {ˈplɔzəbl̩}
The robbery at the bank was likely an {wewnętrzna robota}.
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Inside job - a crime, especially stealing, committed by someone in the place where they work

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