Domanda |
Risposta |
he is a natural born liar inizia ad imparare
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Ah, I smell something delicious! inizia ad imparare
ah, je sens quelque chose de délicieux!
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inizia ad imparare
Dominique leaves from Paris inizia ad imparare
Dominique leaves for Paris inizia ad imparare
Dominique part pour Paris
The teacher goes out when the bell rings inizia ad imparare
Le professeur sort quand la cloche sonne
The students also leave the classroom inizia ad imparare
Les élèves sortent aussi de la salle
Are you going out Friday night with Luc? inizia ad imparare
Tu sors vendredi soir avec Luc?
We are leaving New York in May inizia ad imparare
Nous quittons New York en mai
She is leaving her friends at noon inizia ad imparare
Elle quitte ses amis à midi
I will leave this meeting soon inizia ad imparare
Je vais bientôt quitter cette réunion
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We will come pick up Myriam after lunch inizia ad imparare
on vient chercher Myriam après le déjeuner
Stocks are climbing, the rich are getting richer! inizia ad imparare
Les valeurs montent, les riches deviennent plus riches!
Do you intervene when your friends are sad? inizia ad imparare
Tu interviens quand tes amis sont tristes?
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I am holding the tickets for this evening inizia ad imparare
Je tiens les billets pour ce soir
Wait a sec, I will be back soon inizia ad imparare
Un instant, je reviens tout de suite
I have just finished this job inizia ad imparare
Je viens de terminer ce travail
We have just visited Jean-Paul inizia ad imparare
Nous venons de visiter Jean-Paul
Are you coming to pick up dad? inizia ad imparare
I will go get the newspaper inizia ad imparare
Je vais chercher le journal
That child is very attached to his brother inizia ad imparare
Cet enfant tient beaucoup à son frère
I am determined to visit Paris to be bent on something/determined on something inizia ad imparare
Do you attend to your friend's needs? to take into account, pay attention to inizia ad imparare
Tu tiens compte des besoin de tes amis? tenir compte de + person/thing
We always say hello to elderly people inizia ad imparare
On dit toujours bonjour aux personnes âgées
Do you also read Le Monde? inizia ad imparare
Vous lisez aussi Le Monde?
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inizia ad imparare
We always elect good candidates inizia ad imparare
Nous élisons toujours de bons candidats
first you listen, then you write (pol) inizia ad imparare
D'abord vous écoutez, puis vous écrivez
Those students describe the problems inizia ad imparare
Ces étudiants décrivent les problèmes
They transcribe the lawyers' statement inizia ad imparare
Ils transcrivent la déclaration des avocats
I am putting on my raincoat inizia ad imparare
you don't put bananas in the fridge inizia ad imparare
on ne met pas les bananes dans le frigo
Is the chair free? May I take it? inizia ad imparare
La chaise est-elle libre? Vous permettez?
Shall we postpone the session? inizia ad imparare
they are submitting their proposal inizia ad imparare
ils soumettent leur proposition
I am not letting Sophie buy a scooter inizia ad imparare
je ne permets pas à Sophie d'acheter un scooter permettre à + pers de + verb
Do you promise to tell the truth? inizia ad imparare
Vous promettez de dire la vérité?
This team breaks records every year inizia ad imparare
Cette équipe bat des records tous les ans
those groups fight hunger inizia ad imparare
ces groupes combattent la faim
What can we eat at the cafetaria? inizia ad imparare
Qu'est-ce qu'on peut manger au resto?
We don't want to work on Sundays inizia ad imparare
Nous ne voulons pas travailler le dimanche
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je peux aussi ne pas partir
I would be happy to come along with the group inizia ad imparare
je veux bien accompagner le groupe
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voulez-vous bien passer par là
What does 'amuse-bouche' mean? inizia ad imparare
Que veut dire «amuse-bouche»?
Might I have a cup of tea please? particular use of pouvoir inizia ad imparare
Puis-je avoir une tasse de thé s'il vous plaît?
What do you have to do today? inizia ad imparare
Qu’est-ce que tu dois faire aujourd’hui?
Do they need to call Marie-Josée? inizia ad imparare
Doivent-elles téléphoner Marie-Josée?
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It is necessary to finish this job inizia ad imparare
It's gray out this morning, it will probably rain inizia ad imparare
Il fait gris ce matin; il doit pleuvoir
Let's wait a little longer, they are sure to be here soon inizia ad imparare
attendons un peu, ils doivent bientot arriver
We owe dad three hundred euros inizia ad imparare
On doit à papa trois cents euros devoir (not followed by inf)
I owe my neighbour a favour inizia ad imparare
Je dois une faveur à mon voisin devoir (not followed by inf)
we receive gifts every year inizia ad imparare
nous recevons des cadeaux tous les ans
inizia ad imparare
Je aperçois quelque chose
The economic forecast dissapoints inizia ad imparare
Les prévisions économiques déçoivent
I note two cars in the distance inizia ad imparare
J'aperçois deux voitures au loin
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Martin déteste manger au restaurant
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He hopes to become a lawyer inizia ad imparare
They don't prefer cooking at home inizia ad imparare
Ils ne préfèrent pas cuisiner à la maison
They intend to drop by our place inizia ad imparare
Ils pensent passer chez nous
Michel teaches his daughter to write teach something to someone inizia ad imparare
Michel enseigne à sa fille à écrire enseigner à qqun à qqchose
Patrick is trying to earn enough money inizia ad imparare
Patrick cherche à gagner assez d'argent
I manage to balance on the rope inizia ad imparare
J'arrive à m'équilibrer sur la corde
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The noise keeps the children from sleeping to keep from + obj. + verb inizia ad imparare
Le bruit empêche les enfants de dormir
I allow my brother to use the computer inizia ad imparare
Je permets à mon frère d'utiliser l'ordinateur
We are afraid we'll forget to lock up to be afraid to + verb + verb inizia ad imparare
Nous avons peur d'oublier de fermer à clé
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Elle me dit de me fermer ma guelle
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I promise my girlfriend to buy these flowers promise to someone something inizia ad imparare
Je promets à ma copine d'acheter cettes fleurs
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I dream of taking a holiday inizia ad imparare
Je rêve de prendre des vacances
do I start working at 10? inizia ad imparare
est-ce que je commence à travailler à 10 ans?