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To begin with I’d like to say a few things about...
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Na początek chciałbym powiedzieć kilka rzeczy o...
On addition
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Na dodatek
Apart from this
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Oprócz tego
Last but not least,
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Nie mniej ważny,
such as
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takie jak
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Even though
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mimo że
on the other hand
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z drugiej strony
contrary to
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przeciwnie do
never the less
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Niemniej jednak
from the point of view of the opponents
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z punktu widzenia przeciwników
it is often said that
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często się tak mówi
the statistics data shows
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dane statystyczne pokazują
from an economic point of view
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z ekonomicznego punktu widzenia
the numbers indicate that
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liczby wskazują na to że
having considered both sides of the argument
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po rozważeniu obu stron dyskusji
I definitely share the view of the supporters/opponents of
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Zdecydowanie podzielam pogląd zwolenników / przeciwników
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bez względu
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role model
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wzór do naśladowania
engineer, physicist, chemist
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inżynier, fizyk, chemik

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