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Domanda English Risposta English
a book or other piece of writing based on the writer's personal knowledge of famous people, places, or events
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She has written a memoir of her encounters with famous movie stars over the years
(verb) to be a perfect example of a quality or type of thing
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With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker
Something that is ... is so interesting or exciting that it holds your attention completely
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I found the book so gripping that I couldn't put it down
causing or having a very sharp feeling of sadness
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It is especially poignant that he died on the day before the wedding
public approval and praise
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Hamlet was played by Ion Caramitrou to rapturous acclaim
an idea or theory on which a statement or action is based
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They had started with the premise that all men are created equal
(an area of) very wet, soft land
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an alligator-infested swamp
lawyer, advocate
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a defense attorney
a person in charge of a meeting, organization, or department
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All the members of the committee take turns acting as chairperson
famous for something
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The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty
to show too much interest in other people's business
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poking your nose into other people's business

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