Verbs 1 - 30

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to think
What do you think about it?
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Qu'est-ce que tu en penses?
to become
Tom became an actor.
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Tom est devenu acteur.
to come
I'm coming, wait for me.
inizia ad imparare
J'arrive, attendez-moi.
to know
I know him, he's a good professional.
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Je le connais, c'est un bon professionnel.
to put
Put your shoes on, the floor is dirty.
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Mets tes chaussures, le sol est sale.
to stay
He liked the hotel so much that he stayed there for two more days.
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Il a tellement aimé l'hôtel qu'il y est resté deux jours de plus.
to have
I have a house with a garden.
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J'ai une maison avec un jardin.
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