Verbos irregulares 1 - Irregular verbs 1

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No soporto el sonido de su voz.
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bear - bore - born / borne
I can't bear the sound of her voice.
Pujó una exorbitante suma de dinero por esa joya.
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bid - bid - bid
offer to purchase
She bid an exorbitant sum of money for that piece of jewellery.
Mordió una buena y jugosa manzana.
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bite - bit - bitten
He bit into a nice, juicy apple.
Te traje tu juguete favorito.
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bring - brought - brought
I've brought you your favourite toy.
Vine a pedirte un consejo.
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come - came - come
I've come here to ask your advice.
Eso debió costarte mucho.
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cost - cost - cost
That must have cost you dearly.
De repente, observamos un espectáculo extraordinario.
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behold - beheld - beheld
Suddenly, we beheld a remarkable spectacle.
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