Salud - Health

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¿Cuáles son los síntomas de esta enfermedad?
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an illness
What are the symptoms of this illness?
dejar algo
Dejó de fumar por razones de salud.
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to give something up
He gave up smoking for health reasons.
¡Tengo que darme prisa, hay un paciente esperándome!
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a patient
I've got to rush, I have a patient waiting for me!
Las enfermeras del hospital cuidaron bien a sus pacientes.
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a nurse
The hospital nurses took good care of their patients.
también: matrona
La partera te ayudará durante el parto.
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a midwife
The midwife will help you during the labour.
cuidar de
Se tomó unos días libres para cuidar de su hijo enfermo.
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to look after
also: to attend to, to care for
She took some days off to look after her sick son.
Por fin se curó de su rara enfermedad de la piel.
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to cure
also: to heal
She was finally cured of her rare skin condition.
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