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Chodźmy na narty!
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Let's go skiing!
Może zagramy w tenisa?
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How about playing tennis?
Możemy obejrzeć mecz.
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Why don't we watch the match?
Chciałbyś pójść popływać?
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Would you like to go for a swim?
Masz ochotę pójść pobiegać?
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Do you feel like going for a run?
Z przyjemnością.
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With pleasure.
Czemu nie?
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Yes/Sure, why not?
Może innym razem.
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Maybe some other time.
Chciałbym, ale...
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I'd like to, but...
Nie teraz.
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Not (right) now.
To chyba nie jest dobry pomysł.
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I don't think that's a good idea.
Nie mam dzisiaj ochoty na siłownię.
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I don't feel like going to the gym today.
Chyba żartujesz!
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You must be joking!

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